Kuwait Diary

Army Colonel (and fellow member of the tribe) Holly Doyne has written a book entitled Kuwait Diary. The book provides a rare look into the real lives of the women and men in combat service support, those who were performing the myriad of tasks to keep goods and services flowing north. Through the daily emails she sent to family, colleagues and friends, COL Doyne draws you into the life of Camp Doha as it existed from April 2003-August 2004. Her wit, compassion, and sense of duty remain intact while she reports on everything from doing the right thing for patients and her soldiers, to being on a seemingly endless quest for good books and something to eat.

Her entries include some insights into Jewish life in the desert as well:

At the chapel, we have a young Soldier and a Marine. It is nice to have a service for more than two. Both men are stationed at Camp Commando (the Marine camp) and have not been to services since their Rabbi redeployed. One has a great singing voice. We manage services, finding melodies in common, Kaddish, standing for the Amidah (the silent devotional prayer), finishing up with Kiddush and yet another Passover pound cake.

COL Doyne has set up a website with selected diary entries and more information on the book. You can visit the site at www.kuwaitdiary.com and purchase the book HERE on Amazon.com.