Review: America in Still Life

Over the years, I have been occasionally contacted by individuals that share their story of Jewish service or one of a friend or family member. Some of these are as simple as a reference to service mixed in with a thank you, but others give an amazing glimpse into the life of a Jewish service member. Last month I was […]

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Review: The Fighting Rabbis

The Fighting Rabbis by Albert Slomovitz is a book I’ve had on my shelf for some time, but finally got around to reading recently. At first it appears this is going to just be a long and dry history of the Jewish chaplaincy. However, after I gave it a chapter or two it was clear that this was a bit […]

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Review: My Sky Pilot Career

Rabbi Landman’s memoir, My Sky Pilot Career : A Rabbi in the United States Air Force, is a wonderful look into the career of this accomplished Jewish Chaplain. For those unfamiliar with Rabbi Landman’s work, he served as an Air Force chaplain for over 25 years and played a major role in shaping the Jewish chaplaincy into what it is […]

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FREE Jewish & Hebrew Children’s Books

Sifriyat Pijama B’America is a free Hebrew and Jewish family literacy program implemented on a local level throughout the United States. They will mail free, high-quality Hebrew Jewish children’s literature and music to families across the U.S. on a monthly basis. SP-BA is a program for children ages 3 to 6, aimed at creating connections to Jewish Life and enhancing […]

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The Jewish Krulak

I came across a book review of Brute: The Life of Victor Krulak, U.S. Marine in a most surprising place: a recent issue of The Jewish Georgian. The name Krulak is always familiar to me, as General Charles Krulak (the son of the subject of the book) was one of the few Commandants of the Marine Corps I have personally […]

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New Book by Military Wife

Some of you may remember some of the excellent pieces written by Alison Buckholtz, the wife of a Navy pilot. She has now published a book titled STANDING BY: The Making of an American Military Family in a Time of War. From her book website: Alison Buckholtz never dreamed she would marry a military man, but when she met her […]

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30-Minute Seder Deal

Order haggadot here. Deployed abroad? Looking for a speedy Pesach seder so one meets halachic requirements and still fits within the “hurry up and wait” of the military? Anyone who’s ever been anywhere in the military knows that the mission comes first. The 30minute-Seder, approved by Reconstructionist Rabbi and the Army’s own Chaplain Bonnie Koppell, is a perfect alternative haggadah […]

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