Jewish Military Book List

While browsing the other day, I happened to come across this readers list of books of interest to Jews in the military.

The list is simply titled, Jews in the Military and was complied by jmpersons, “A Jew in the Military.” I haven’t read many of the books myself, but it does seem like a pretty comprehensive list.


  • Brian Schiff

    A yasher koach on your website(from someone without a military background. I was surprised that your book list missed Barney Ross’s autobiography, ‘No Man Stands Alone.’It’s not possible that any novelist can match Ross’s background.For anyone who never heard of Ross:After his strictly religiously observant father was gunned down and his family split up,Ross ran errands for Al Capone,became the first boxer to hold three world titles at the same time,enlisted in the Marines(where he probably got screwed out of winning the Congeressional Medal of Honor on Guadalcanal,became a drug addict because of malaria and wounds from Guadalcanal,ran guns to Israel.

  • Thanks. As mentioned in the article the list was not of my making, but rather from an user.

    I will certainly add “No Man Stands Alone” to my list of books to read though.

  • LTC Art Zeidman

    1Lt Rubin:

    This website is a wonderful idea, well-done and long overdue. Yasher koach! I am an Army Reserve officer, and spent 2003 on active duty at Ft. Stewart, GA. I had excellent support from the protestant senior chaplain, there was an observant Captain (O-3), and a frum community 40 miles away in Savannah. Plus, I was only 6 hours from home in North Carolina, so I was usually able to get home on pass or leave for Shabbos and yomtov, plus with my own quarters, I was able to keep Shabbos and kashrus easily. There was a specialist (E-4) full-time active duty soldier at Ft. Stewart who had wonderful stories about kashrus and sukkah in the field. I find that as a reservist, I have more trouble observing Shabbos, since the weekends are drill time. I would like to hear about some reservists’ experiences.

    LTC Art Zeidman

    San Francisco, CA

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