The Jews of Iwo Jima

Yesterday marked the 60th anniversary of the start of the battle for Iwo Jima. I thought it appropriate to spotlight some news and information about the Jews who fought and died in the five-week battle between 70,000 American Marines (1,500 of which were Jewish) and an unknown number of deeply entrenched Japanese defenders. The Metro West Daily writes about Sam […]

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Paul Canin

2nd Lt., U.S. Army Air Corps In October 1942, at the age of 19, Paul Canin enlisted in the Army Air Corps and attended basic training at Randolph Field in San Antonio, Texas.  At his gunnery school, Canin learned how to shoot .50 caliber machine guns from various types of gun turrets.  Following his gunnery training he attended tech school […]

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Field Conversions

I hate to start back on a sour note, but this story just really bugged me. The Baptist Press (for what it’s worth), recently reported on Army Captain Andy Taylor, a Baptist chaplain currently serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The contents of the article disturbed me quite a bit. It proudly talks about how CPT Taylor converted a Jewish soldier: […]

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Buy kosher food, even if you don’t keep kosher

Keeping kosher in itself can be challenging for some people. Add the remoteness of most military bases and isolation from a large Jewish community and the challenge can get quite big. The following is kind of a personal plea for service members to help out in a very small way. My wife and I only started keeping strict kosher a […]

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JIG Exclusive: Kosher MRE Taste Test

One of the most popular topics among Jews in the military is kashrut and more specifically, kosher rations. Here at Jews in Green, we regularly receive several hits a week from people searching for kosher MREs on Google. I wrote a brief article on kosher MREs as one of the first stories on Jews in Green, but I’ve come to […]

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Seder at Saddam’s

Here’s one for the history books! This year, over 100 U.S. Jewish troops, civilians, and even a few Iraqi nationals celebrated Passover in a very unique location: Saddam Husseins former Presidential Palace in Baghdad. The seder was organized and lead by Rabbi Mitchell Ackerson (LTC, USA), the senior chaplain for the US Army 220th Military Police Brigade. Update: Click on […]

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We invented “low carb”

I was going through one of my bread cravings the other day (during Passover) and I realized what a great thing this new low-carb craze is to some Jews. These days I keep strict kosher for Passover, but there was a time when that wasn’t the case. I’ve been stationed in a few places where finding kosher for Passover items […]

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