Online Hebrew school for Jewish children of military families

As someone with young children, this sounds like an amazing opportunity for a top notch Jewish education. Having access to a Jewish education for one’s children is a fairly common concern I hear about from Jews who are contemplating joining the military. Hopefully programs like this will remove that stumbling block.

Many Jewish military families have been struggling for years trying to figure out how to provide their children with a Jewish education. The answer is finally here : The Jewish Online (Hebrew) School.

This new school is based on the same online education model that powers the Online School for children of Chabad emissaries around the world.  The Shluchim Office (The global Chabad-Lubavitch Resource Center) is now making this available to all Jewish children ages 6 until Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

The Jewish Online School can provide your child with a full Hebrew School education.  The curriculum includes a combination of Hebrew reading, Tefillah- Jewish prayer, and Judaic studies.  If a Hebrew School is unavailable in your region, they can offer it to you in the convenience of your own home.

The school offers a virtual education experience, with live classes and interactive learning.  Each of the online classrooms feature live streaming, video and voice technology, and a digital whiteboard, capable of full multimedia presentation, as well as traditional whiteboard use.  During class students can see their instructor and fellow classmates and can fully interact with their classmates, teacher and whiteboard.

More than just imparting knowledge, the classroom provides students with the tools to become confident, successful learners. Past graduates have proven that this unique classroom setup produces students that are ready academically and socially to be integrated into a “traditional” classroom setting.

The Jewish Online School is a project of  The Shluchim Office, global Chabad-Lubavitch Resource Center. The extension to military families is made through the Aleph Institute.

For more information or to register your child today, Please visit or call at (718) 713-3080. Please ask us about their online full length Jewish Day School as well.

Some FAQs:

Q: What will my child need in order to attend the Jewish Online School?
A: Each student will need:
·    A desktop or laptop computer designated for their personal school use.
·    A current-model webcam and microphone/earphone combo headset to allow for live communication and interaction between student and teacher.
·    A broadband Internet connection that is secure and reliable
·   Standard school supplies (lined-sheet notebooks, three-ring binders, pencils and erasers, etc.; lists of required supplies are issued by each teacher at the start of the school year).

Q: What is the schedule of a typical day in the Online School?
A: The Jewish Online School is available Sunday mornings and weeknights at convenient after school hours.  We’re beginning with classes once a week.
Class begins with a 45 minute session that includes Prayer and Hebrew Reading.  Class time is broken up with a five minute break and then concludes with 45 minutes of the Judaic Curriculum.