Israel Anti-Apartheid “Week”
Returning from a two-month hiatus with a firm commitment to maintain this blog, starting with this:
For the active duty military, this may or may not be relevant, since as Jews in the American military, our lives likely do not revolve around either Israel or life on university campus.
For some in the reserves currently enrolled in school, this may be more omnipresent.
March 1st through March 14th is Israel Anti-apartheid Week, and though the organizers are apparently too daft to recognize the difference between 7 days and a fortnight, their message will be crystal clear – “free thinkers” of the world will continue to fallaciously dog Israel and single it out for “crimes” that no sane or discerning individual would.
I do not fall into the “cult of Israel” paradigm. I do not think it necessarily admirable when a youth who spends his life immured in gilded Americana decides to go throw his lot in with the Israeli military, no matter how noble the concept. As long as the United States and Israel are allied, there are plenty of opportunities to serve here, in the land that has equally given us so much, with ostensibly more freedom of religious movement than we might enjoy in Israel (see marriages and conversions). A strong Jewish presence in allied Diaspora military, as we’ve documented with former Guard Bureau chief General Blum’s visit to Israel, does more for maintaining Jewish credibility in the US than kids enlisting overseas.
For my part, too, as much as I love Israel, my spiritual home is in a minyan, or teaching our faith to my children, or our home when we bask in the glow of Shabbos candles on our dining room table.
I also like big snow storms, especially with the recent two foot dump the Mid-Atlantic just enjoyed.
I only say this to lay the groundwork that one need not indulge a knee-jerk support of Israel in order to recognize just how damaging is this Western opinion shift towards Israel, for both Jews in Israel and Diaspora.
We, especially those of us in the military, cannot forget that how we fare in Diaspora is a bell-weather for what’s in store for the Jewish people.
I don’t know why it is buried in the news, but the sad fact is, one of the continually growing “hate crime” sectors in the U.S. are crimes committed against Jews. Many of these are taking place on college campuses, where antisemitism thinly disguised as “legitimate criticism of Israel” manifests in events such as this “anti-apartheid week.” See the ridiculous outbursts at Ambassador Oren, for instance, in California.
Take it apart: Mel Gibson, “Kick a Jew Week” on Facebook, which enjoyed significantly less press than a similar persecution of redheads, and even local students in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, describing that “Jew” is being bandied about as an insult amongst peers in their schools.
It’s not a “left” or “right” issue. See the dude that shot up the Holocaust museum for a scary manifestation of an antisemitic fringe right. Read the comment section on the Huffington Post attached to ANY article regarding Israel, and many about other countries in the Middle East, and you’ll see where the self-flagellating losers like former President Carter have taken us. “We have seen the enemy, and it is us” nonsense, rinse, repeat. People are quoting Israel as the cause du juor for demonizing Jews and bring forth the age old canards, which read like they’re still using the Protocols as a play book.
As campus youth embrace their sophomoric, ill-informed, existential angst and rail against Israel, we hear all the reasons why they’re not antisemitic. They claim legitimacy for their argument, and this is even tenuous at best, is that Israel is some last bastion of Western colonization in a benighted land, all the while templating Israel according to Western sensibility. Adding to the quagmire of the reason, if one dare ascribe it such a term, behind anti-Israel vitriol is the bland refusal to subsequently judge Arab or Muslim neighbors by the same Western template, even though these nations want to enjoy the same Western indulgences, particularly the kind of air-land war machinery that the West has perfected, medical technology. Only because despotic regimes relegate large swaths of their population to ignorance and poverty, we allow that “they don’t know any better, but Israel does.”
It’s dodgy logic at best.
It’s just terrifically depressing that Western nations are gradually turning against Israel, and on our campuses, where our kids are ostensibly aspiring to render large contributions to global progress, are intellectually and emotionally vulnerable to so many influences. More appalling is Jewish participation, including more than a few Hillel houses (and hopefully no more), in Israel-bashing.
I call upon anyone reading this to contact your representatives, your senators, but above all else, start putting conditions on where you contribute your money. Here’s some suggested courses of action:
1. Petition and tell Hillel that you will withhold contributions unless they revoke charters of Hillel Houses that participate, host, or contribute to anti-Israeli events. If these events are part of a reasonable dialog, fine, but there are some very extreme events going on out there. For instance, in my backyard, we should be diligently working to revoke Penn Hillel of University of Pennsylvania’s charter, regardless of Director Jeremy Brochin’s mamby-pamby statement that classifies hosting a group with a negative position on Israel as “enrichment.” Consider this – is the NAACP obliged to rent space and provide a forum for the Klan in the name of objective enrichment? Hillel International’s statement is quite clear, and so, Penn alumni, consider reallocating your contributions to Chabad’s campus outreach there. You can be sure they won’t host J Street.
2. Petition and tell the JCCA you will withhold contributions unless they revoke membership of community centers that participate, host or contribute to anti-Israeli events.
3. Petition your religious movements to sanction rabbis, cantors, or organized laity who join forces with anti-Israeli. Withhold contributions and membership dues until the Board replaces such a rabbi.
4. Petition the JWV and NMAJM to put and strongly advertise a clause in academic scholarships (Rotberg, Silvey, JWV, and Friedman grants) that not only include participation in the Jewish community, but preclude participation in anti-Israeli organizations or events.
5. Any Jewish-affiliated academic scholarships should preclude participation in anti-Israeli organizations.
Many of these things are odious to my own sensibilities, but the situation can and will only deteriorate as time marches forward. It may be against our subculture’s predilection for free choice and free will to impose these kinds of constraints, but it’s time to start thinking about this in extremely serious terms.
Maybe the person to the left to you isn’t demonizing Jews when he or she criticizes Israel. But the person next to him, statistically speaking, may have posted something negative on a blog or even shouted something overtly antisemitic at a rally. Is that really what a Jew should be associating with? In David Mamet’s recent treatment of this topic, Wicked Son, I believe he stopped just shy of calling the self-hating prototype “race traitors.”
I believe we live in dark times. It is now socially reprehensible to enjoy or recognize cultural triumph, unless it is victimhood or adversity. I believe one pundit posed that we should advertise Israel’s great successes, to win over those hedging in the middle.
Yes, extol the virtues of being Jewish and affiliation with Israel. It’s a double-edged blade, however, extolling an Israel as phoenix triumphant rising from the literal ashes of Europe, because it plays into the hands of Ahmedinijad’s asinine commentary, which President Obama blandly walked into with his Cairo speech. Israel is the legitimate nation for the Jewish people not because of the Holocaust, but because of a strong historic connection to the land with evidence that is irrefutable and extra-Biblical. However, with a cultural zeitgeist that seems to have a permanent and unwavering affinity for the perceived underdog, triumphalism is also a fail. Money, sadly, is the great equalizer.
It could be, too, that there is no successful way to combat this, that yet another catastrophe awaits the global Jewish body lurks in the near future.
In the offing, start thinking very, very hard about penalizing and stigmatizing our own that stand with anti-Semites against us. Historically, there is far stronger evidence in support of shaming the undecided into your camp, and there is much for a Jew affiliating with anti-Israeli/anti-Zionist groups to be ashamed of.
Jewish military members have considerable power that we can and should leverage. One, we operate from the position of strength in that people are extremely reluctant to be seen saying a service member (or group thereof) is wrong. This climate is changing gradually under the current administration and will eventually approach the nadir in public support we enjoyed during the Clinton administration. Two, because of our engagements in the Middle East, we lack the naivete that is prevalent amongst college students, and most of us engaged in this issue have one, or likely many, trips to Israel under our belt. I don’t have statistics to back up an additional premise, but that would be that to the enlisted level (with even a large swath of our noncoms holding graduate degrees), we still maintain a high-level of academic credentials, on par with our civilian counterparts, so those in academia would be foolish to discount us as knuckle-draggers. To be quite frank, we have far more skin in the game than most of our soft-bellied American co-religionists, and its high time we start letting them know that.
Personally, I would like to see this become the centerpiece of the Jewish War Veterans work in the Jewish community. The Jewish War Veterans have worked hard alongside other groups to bring about better education and health benefits, but out of all those groups, the JWV is best positioned to make a real difference on this matter. We are not producing new members, for good or for ill, on the scale of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. Perhaps it’s time to consider that, yes, we can work with the bigger organizations for benefits, but our real focus should be on influencing the direction of the American Jewish community on these very important issues.
Just some food for thought.
I appreciate this blog post. It is eye-opening–I was shocked to read that any Hillel chapter would host any kind of anti-Israel meeting. To me, Israel is to be supported. Not blindly, anymore than as an American I support the U.S. blindly, or even the U.S. military blindly and you won’t find a prouder Navy mom. But disagreeing on policy is not the same as the name-calling and denegration you have pointed out. I am blessed to be part of a Jewish community that is open to all possibilities while at the same time knows the importance of standing strong with all Jews–because very few others ever have or ever will stand with us.
The Democratic Party typically receives 80% of the Jewish vote.
It used to be, and in many quadrants still is true, that there wasn’t much daylight between Republicans and Democrats with regards to the support of Israel. For instance, I am highly cynical that the message SecState Clinton conveyed this week vis a vis East Jerusalem and Israel would have been delivered when she was still NY Senator Clinton, for instance.
More racist Arabs’ attempts to brand multi-racial racially-equal Israel as “racist” – a racism masked as “anti-racism”
In recent years, we’ve all witnessed an atrocious trend of anti-Jewish racism, the one rooted in Arab, Muslim bigotry, that seeks to tarnish Israel, especially those worried of Arab violence (which is in it of itself racist to target any Jewish civilian for being Jewish) and categorize fear as “racism.” Each time we see a “report” by a group (Mossawa, Adala, or others) posing as “human rights for Arabs.”
It’s part of Arab-Islamic (at times with help from radical left) to make Israel look bad, (in the UN, in global media), therefore “illegitimate” – therefor justifying the hatred to begin with. This, despite how much Israeli Arabs are treated with favoritism over Israeli Jews, often as first class citizens, in employment, in court, on campus, etc.
The following is just an example of the racist Arab fake “reports” of “racism” in Israel .
Israel approves largest-ever Arab economic plan March 22, 2010 JERUSALEM (JTA) – Israel’s Cabinet has approved the largest-ever economic development plan for Israeli Arabs. Nearly $214 million in new money was allocated by the government ministers Sunday for the program, which aims to strengthen the Arab-Israeli economy. The program reportedly includes building and expanding industrial areas, providing professional and academic instruction, increasing tourism, upgrading security and improving transportation and day care.
The program is to start in 12 Arab communities and later will be expanded to more communities. The approval came the same day as the release of a report by the Coalition Against Racism and the Mossawa Center: The Advocacy Center for Arab Palestinian Citizens of Israel that accuses the current government of being the most discriminatory in Israel’s history after passing at least 21 bills that discriminate against Arabs, according to their count. A spokesman for the Israeli government did not have immediate comment on the report
As a Vietnam veteran from a family of veterans,I am never able to understand Jewish American young men or women enlisting in the Israeli military.Don’t they have to take a loyalty oath to Israel to do so?
If they make that choice,they need to renounce their US Citizenship and become intending citizens of Israel.
If they feel the need to serve,why not THEIR OWN country?
Recently,a Brown University student was killed in a vehicle-pedestrian accident here in Providence.The paper made a big deal of his having served in the Israeli army.He was a native born Jewish American.It was lost on me.
Elena Kagan’s stand against military recruiters is another thing American Jews need like the flu.
Sometimes I think a lot of my fellow tribe members enjoy provocation for the sake of it.The US is the promised land in case anyone hasn’t noticed.I guess since I spent my life in the militarty and law enforcement at street level where Jews aren’t exactly falling all over each other I have a different perspective than those who circulate in hermetic communities.In any event my children and grandchildren aren’t Jewish by religion or self-identity for that matter, so I guess my opinion has no value to many Jews.
Mr. Bernstein, your opinion will always matter in a forum of veterans, even if we agree/disagree.
On the other hand, I’d like to mention something that might brighten your day…during our mobilization last year, I met a fellow MOT at Camp Shelby who’s parents live in Israel and who himself was born in Israel. Nevertheless, he was a commissioned officer in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. Couldn’t get him to show up for our meager Friday night services or the High Holidays, but it was nice to meet him all the same.
My fear is that we’re cultivating a culture of ninnies and schlubs…for all the more I laugh at him in film, Seth Rogen seems to be what we’re celebrating as the iconic young American Jew these days. When people think of Jewish American youth, I’d love for them to picture a Daniel Agami, z”l over Jonah Goldberg any day of the week. I recall at my old synagogue a slightly overweight teen recounting his eye-opening week-long experience with some IDF camp for Birthright kids, and I struggled to listen to his hardship without vomiting on my siddur. I’ll be amazed if he ever gets his fingernails dirty gardening, and I’m there listening to him breathlessly snivel about having to do a couple of pushups and march in quasi-militaristic fashion.
The strongest Jewish presence in Diaspora is in America. Our community ignores national service here at our collective peril. Fortunately, the latest post on Jews in Green is about a Memorial Day / Fleet Week activity brought about by young Jews, with an impressive guest list and an impressive list of sponsors. We can all be ambassadors for our chosen vocation within the military, and these events are our gateway to demonstrate to synagogue youth that the military holds benefits and experiences that make a Birthright trip look like Epcot center.