DoD’s America Supports You Program Evangelism

It has come to my attention that Operation Straight Up, part of the Department of Defense’s America Supports You program, is distributing copies of their extremely creepy video game, Left Behind: Eternal Forces, to service members currently serving in Iraq.

OSU makes no bones about its commitment to an end-times-focused brand of Christianity. The game, which plays like the pabulum books and movies that people with rapture-themed “this car will be abandoned” bumper stickers are so enamored of, puts the player in some kind of post-apocalyptic dystopia where born-again Christians fight the forces of the anti-Christ, who look conspicuously like UN peace keepers. Because, of course, UN peace keepers sent to Darfur to halt genocide play right into the devil’s evil plan for the world…but that’s neither here nor there…

Now in the interest of honesty, many Christian leaders have come out against this video game, which also allows you to control the forces of the devil. Who can blame them? Apparently this extremely gauche video game has the heroes shouting “Praise the Lord” after they kill the bad guys.

THIS MUST STOP. This is Department of Defense dollars paying for extremely heavy-handed and extremely disturbing evangelism. Events run by the OSU will be held at the Pentagon, and a military “crusade” for the Iraq theater is in the works. Never mind regional sensitivities to “crusades.” The DoD has no business spending the taxpayers’ money on programs meant to proselytize soldiers.


  • Ever since history began Humans have been fighting and killing each other to prove that their God exists and today we might smile at the way Romans and Greeks had many Gods but we fail to see that any and all Gods are make believe.

    Its 2009 we have a better understanding of Evolution of life on our planet and the random happenings millions of years ago billions of miles away in this and other Universes and yet Humans continue to believe in the nonsense of Creation and Christianity, Islam and Judaism etc.etc.

    For over 60 years Jews with the support of the US and Jews Worldwide have practiced vicious Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine to make their dream of “Real Estate Gift from their God” come true. Lebanon was bombed back 50 years and Gaza bombed back to the stone age and the Christian USA and World rather than condemn supported the carnage.

    Eretz Israel consists of parts of Iraq and Israel has taken action on this –but we never hear about it.

    23% of the World’s population are followers of Islam and they are witnessing a Judeo/Christian crusade on their people and land.

    There is ample evidence that Americans are stupid, not merely ignorant. 60% of Americans believe that the earth is 6000 years old, 90% believe in a fairy tale God.

    There is no God and if people would un freeze their brain to understand this the World would benefit immeasurably !!!!

  • Oh, look, an armchair Christopher Hitchens, only notsomuch.

    The fallacy in your argument, sadly, is your stated constant, the stupidity of the American people. If we give up our “fairy tale” belief in G-d, we’ll find a new and equally destructive belief, for instance, that athiests are never responsible for any natural or human desolation.

    Poof, begone.