Protestant B or not to B

Way back when we asked readers, “What’s on your dog tags?”. We revisit this issue in light of a quite thorough article about one Soldier’s experience with the dog tag dilema in Desert Storm.

The “article” is actually an exerpt from a book by Debra Darvick.

Dog tags. When you get right down to it, the military’s dog tag classification forced me to reclaim my Judaism. In the fall of 1990, things were heating up in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. I had been an Army Captain and a helicopter maintenance test pilot for a decade and received notice that I would be transferred to the First Cavalry Division which was on alert for the Persian Gulf War. Consequently, I also got wind of the Department of Defense “dog tag dilemma” vis-a-vis Jewish personnel.

Then, as now, Jews were forbidden by Saudi law to enter the country. But our Secretary of Defense flat out told the King of Saudi Arabia, “We have Jews in our military. They’ve trained with their units and they’re going. Blink and look the other way.”

You can read the rest of the exerpt HERE, and you can purchase the book HERE.