Grand Opening! New Lay Leader Resource Site!

Are you a newly appointed Jewish Lay Leader? Are you thinking about becoming the Lay Leader for your military installation? How often have you felt that you were all alone in trying to figure out how to lead a service or carry out a Dvar Torah? Well don’t sweat it: you aren’t alone anymore. You can now visit a newly created website where you can access:

* Guitar chords to your favorite Shabbat and Holiday tunes

* Jewish worship service outlines with page numbers using the “Prayer Book For Jewish Personnel in the Armed Forces of the United States” – Thanks to LTC Karen Fitzgerald, Lay Leader at Ft. Lewis, Washington.

* Dvar Torah helper sites and discussion notes

* Links to other Jewish military Lay Leader colleagues and friends (like here at Jews in Green!)

* A Jewish Art Gallery with military themed art

* Another opportunity to post and share pertinent Jewish Lay Leader information

In addition to all this, you can submit your questions and concerns for assistance or dissemination to other Lay Leaders throughout the globe who are only as distant as your email account. Please drop in at and browse around. New postings and “Coffee Talk” weekly. Keep your eyes and ears open for another marvelous site to launch soon with even more outstanding information and support services for the military Jewish Lay Leader. No need to fear any longer. Baaaaarrrchuah!

One comment

  • Dr. Deborah Eliza Zimmerman, Major USAF

    I am building a Jewish Lay Leader Continuity Binder and would like your assistance.

    Thank you