The Meaning of Memorial Day

Go read this article from Chaplain Frommer over at Tablet Magazine right now. Then share it with your friends. He really captures the dilemma of contemplating Memorial Day. Every year I struggle to convey the real meaning of Memorial Day to my friends and family (and anyone who will listen). It goes beyond the idea of using it as an […]

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Miranda Bloch, The Flying Marine

“What is a nice Jewish girl going to do in the military, especially in the Marine Corps?” –Miranda Bloch’s incredulous father Oy, don’t get me started about that question. The Jewish Women’s Archive has an excellent profile of Miranda Bloch, who enlisted in the Marine Corps during WWII and served as an aviation technician for training flights that prepared pilots […]

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Review: America in Still Life

Over the years, I have been occasionally contacted by individuals that share their story of Jewish service or one of a friend or family member. Some of these are as simple as a reference to service mixed in with a thank you, but others give an amazing glimpse into the life of a Jewish service member. Last month I was […]

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Chaplain, Grandson of Holocaust Survivors, Remembers

Story by Sgt. 1st Class Jacob McDonald KANDAHAR AIR FIELD, Afghanistan – A 19-year old boy named Chaim Stern leaned over the railing of the ship he was traveling on. Nearly two years before, he had left his homeland of Czechoslovakia to escape persecution from the spreading Nazi threat. Now, as he reached British held Israel, the ship, full of refugees […]

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Rabbi Aaron Landes, RADM (Ret) Z”L

Rabbi Aaron Landes, a retired Rear Admiral and former chairman of the Jewish Welfare Board, passed away last week at his home in Elkins Park, PA after a long battle with leukemia. Rabbi Landes had a long and distinguished career devoted to Jewish service both in and out of the military. He was involved in the creation of the Jewish […]

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New Military Siddur to be Released

The JTA reports that the Jewish Welfare Board will be releasing a new version of the military issue siddur during its annual conference this week. The current siddur was last revised in 1956 and is the only officially military issued siddur in use that can be ordered through the military supply system. Chaplains and lay leaders sometimes use off-the-shelf siddurim […]

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