The End of An Era At JWB

As the month of January comes to a close, so does an era at the Jewish Welfare Board, Jewish Chaplains Council. Rabbi Nathan Landman, known to many military Jewish Lay Leaders the world over is retiring from the JWB after two decades of service. Some military Lay Leaders have literally grown up with Rabbi Landman, been Bar Mitzvah’d by him, and yet others of us have grown to be stronger Jews and Lay Leaders with his support.

Among his countless accomplishments are:

– United States Air Force Chaplaincy career began in 1956. After 25 years of outstanding service to his country included 10 years overseas, he retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1981.

– Since his retirement from the Air Force, he has provided chaplaincy services to more than twenty health care facilities and 21 homes for the aged all over the New York metro area.

– served as part-time and High Holy Days rabbi at several congregations in New York, New Jersey and the Virgin Islands.

– Went on to serve as the Deputy Director of the Jewish Welfare Board Jewish Chaplains Council in 1985.

– During his deputy directorship, Rabbi Landman provided oversight for the training and support of 27 rabbis and approximately a dozen Lay Leaders, in an effort to meet the needs of Jewish Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines at 304 military bases worldwide.

– In 2003, he was selected to receive the New York Board of Rabbis Zagelbaum Chaplain of the Year Award.

– Most recently, in 2006, Rabbi Landman celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

– introduced electronic communications between the JWB and Lay Leader community. Brought e-mail, “Torah Thoughts” Parshas online, and established “Nate’s Notes”

– Developed the lay leader program, compensating for the decreasing number of rabbis going into the chaplaincy. Said Rabbi Robinson, incoming Director of the JWB, “[He] handles recruitment, appointment, supervision, training, advising, guiding – all the functions required to completely manage the program.”

– He coordinated the development of CHAPLINES, JWB’s quarterly online newsletter.

– Oversaw JCC Association Women’s Organizations’ worldwide holiday gift distribution.

– Administered the Passover Seder kit program

– Developed of the JWB display at the JCCs of North America Biennial Convention

– Created pamphlets on Jewish holidays and life-cycle events for use by military and veterans affairs officials.

– Organized Jewish communal services, among them teaching an Introduction to Judaism course in the adult education program at Union of American Hebrew Congregations (now Union of Reform Judaism)

– Recipient of the prestigious “Four Chaplains Award.” See

As he ventures out toward his new, exciting and, without a doubt, successful endeavors, please help me wish him a heartfelt “YASHER KOACH!!!” Well done, Rabbi Landman. May you go from Strength to Strength and thank you for all you have done for Jewish communities world-wide.

One comment

  • The JWB has been the trailblazer in servicing Jewish military personnel.


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