Free Trauma Couseling
I am a psychologist involved with a group of therapists here in Los Angeles called The Soldiers Project. It is a project of the Trauma Center of LAISPS (Los Angeles Institute & Society for Psychoanalytic Studies). The group was founded by a psychiatrist, Dr. Judith Broder, who was touched after seeing a play about combat trauma.
- We are offering FREE counseling (no red tape and no limit to # of sessions) to any military person (all branches, reserve and National Guard) returning from Iraq or Afghanistan.
- We are offering FREE counseling to their loved ones – while they are deployed and when they return, for deployment-related issues (grandma’s asthma getting worse, child acting up in school, girlfriend left to take care of boyfriend’s kids from previous marriage, husband can’t sleep at night and can’t focus on work)…
- We are offering FREE counseling to bereaved families.
We are very concerned about the statistics about Combat Trauma, as well as the divorce statistics for soldiers returning from Iraq, and we would like to help. Dr. Broder can be contacted at , or 818 -761-7438, and calls for therapy are usually responded to within 24 hours. You are also welcome to or phone me at 310 479-8751 with questions about the project.
This is not specifically a Jewish issue, but we are trying to spread the word about our free services. We want to help.