Jewish Soldier Top 10

I ran accross this list of “Top Ten Things Overheard in the Jewish Soldiers’ Bunker in Iraq” over at It’s remotely funny, but I’m sure many of our JIG readers can do better. Post your suggestions as a comment below.

10. What rank does someone have to be to get an aliyah around here?

9. Dang it, who’s been getting chumetz all over my nightvision goggles

8. Anyone know if I can make havdalah on oil-field fires?

7. This heat is worse than the Morasha Kollel dorms

6. Time to daven, which way is West?

5. Excuse me Sergeant, is this a bad time to ask for a GLATT kosher meal?

4. Picked a bad month to start wearing wool tzitis

3. Break out the gas masks, we’ve got hot chulent comin!

2. What do you mean J2 won’t deliver?

1. My name? Schwartz… as in Schwarzkopf!

Special thanks to the Bangitout staff for thinking of us!