The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs

If you are reading this, you are certainly aware that Jews are an integral part of the U.S. military, but did you know that Jews are deeply involved in influencing defense policy as well? There are many Jews vitally interested in a strong national defense and deeply committed to bridging the information gap between the military and civilian world, and in speaking out to policy-makers about these deeply help beliefs. These Jews (and non-Jewsl) are part of an organization called JINSA, The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.

Learn more about JISNA and what programs they have to offer you!

JISNA is a non-partisan, independent, non-profit educational organization whose goals are:

  • to inform the American public about the threats and dangers facing our country and our global allies
  • to explain why a mobile, technologically capable military is vital to America’s security
  • to provide leadership on national security and foreign policy issues
  • and to highlight the key role that Israel plays as our most reliable ally in the Middle East.

Over the years, JINSA has achieved a reputation as a credible and independent resource. Its findings and recommendations are published in a variety of formats including its web site, the Journal of International Security Affairs, as well as occasional books, monographs and conference proceedings.

JINSA’s annual programs include sponsoring a trip to Israel for retired U.S. Flag and General Officers and a study program in Israel for cadets and midshipmen from the Naval Academy, the Military Academy, and the Air Force Academy. JINSA also sponsors lectures and conferences at the national military academies and leading national security think tanks.

These programs, like all of JINSA’s activities, are designed to facilitate dialogue between security policy makers, military officials, diplomats, and the community-at-large to increase the public’s understanding of national security issues.

JINSA is a national organization based in Washington D.C. It receives support from more than 17,000 members nationwide and is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of key figures in the national security community and leadership throughout the country.

Special thanks to Shalom Lamm of JISNA for this article